Desert City Swing Convention Competition Rules
General Rules:
1) All competitions will be swing dancing. Swing is an American Rhythm Dance based on a foundation
of 6‐beat and 8‐beat patterns that incorporate a wide variety of rhythms, built on 2‐beats, single,
delayed, double, triple, and blank rhythm units. The 6‐beat patterns include, but are not limited to,
passes, underarm turns, push‐breaks, open‐to‐closed, and closed‐to‐open position patterns. The 8‐
beat patterns include, but are not limited to, whips, swingouts, Lindy circles, and Shag pivots.
Although they are not part of the foundation of the dance as stated above, 2‐beat and 4‐beat
extension rhythm breaks may be incorporated to extend a pattern, to phrase the music, and/or to
accent breaks.
2) All competitions must have a minimum of 80% of recognizable swing contest (as determined by each
individual judge’s discretion).
3) Competitions will be judged with the following criteria: Timing, Technique, Teamwork/Partnership,
Content/Choreography, Level of Difficulty, Showmanship/Presentation, Musical Interpretation; at the
discretion of each individual judge.
4) All contests at this Event are Jack & Jill or Couples Strictly Swing formats, which highlight social dancing
skill and instantaneous choreography and musical interpretation. Lifts, aerial and acrobatic moves
are not allowed. Support moves, such as drops, slides and splits are allowed, as deemed to be ‘safe’
on a social dance floor (with each dancer maintaining their own physical contact with the floor).
Couple must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break‐a‐ways and recoveries.
5) All Competitors must hold a full weekend Event Ticket to be eligible to compete, and sign a Waiver
form (minors’ Waivers must be signed by a parent or guardian) and pay any required entry fees.
Competitors may enter any and all contests/divisions for which they are eligible.
6) Competitors for all contests / divisions must register for the competitions; and must register prior to
the established deadlines. Competitors who cancel their entry after the registration is closed for the
contest, will forfeit their competition entry fee.
7) Competitors are responsible for reading and understanding the rules. Any questions regarding the
rules may be directed to the Chief Judge.
8) Contestants are responsible for monitoring the schedule. While changes to the final published
schedule are not anticipated, changes can occur (and will be announced).
9) Contestants will report to the assigned ‘check‐in’ area, or are subject to being considered ‘scratched’.
Competitors should be prepared for competition and be present in the ballroom a minimum of 15
minutes before the start of any contest. Competitors will be considered ‘scratched’ if they have not
checked in with the Floor Coordinators prior to the start of the contest. ‘Scratched’ competitors will
not be issued a competition entry fee refund.
10) Competitors will be issued competitor bib numbers, to be worn during all competitions (including
both partners in Couples contests and both partners in Jack & Jill finals contests). Competitors who
lose their bib number are subject to a $10 bib replacement fee.
11) Preliminary and Semi‐finals heats in all contests (as needed), the number of ‘callbacks’ to the next
round, the number and length of songs in all rounds shall be at the discretion of the Chief Judge.
12) Preliminary and Semi‐final rounds shall be judged and scored with the Callback System. Finals contests
shall be judged and scored with the Relative Placement system.
13) All contest results / awards will be announced at the end of the event.
14) All results are final. Any errors in results will be corrected. Competitors may not challenge or appeal
contest results. Any judging/scoring/results question may be directed to the Chief Judge.
15) All competitors must demonstrate good sportsmanship and conduct, on and off the floor, towards
their partners, other competitors, Event organizers, judging/scoring staff, and Event volunteers and
general staff. Unsportsmanlike behavior / poor conduct / harassment / disrespect, etc. may be means
for disqualification from competition and possible removal from the Event.
16) Should a competitor refuse the partner that they have drawn, that competitor will be considered as
‘forfeited’; unless there is a legal Restraining Order or a verified, documented record of physical harm
or sexual harassment, etc.
17) All competitors should wear appropriate / modest and age‐appropriate attire. Please verify that all
clothing is ‘dance‐able”!
18) Skill level competitions are open to Competitors of all ages who met the qualifications of that skill
level division.
a) Masters competition Competitors must be 50 years of age as of the closet of the Event.
b) Juniors competition (if applicable) Competitors must less than 18 years of age as of the close of
the Event.
c) This event has no minimum age requirement to enter any of the various contests.
19) All Competitors who dance in both roles (and are of different skill levels in the roles):
a) May enter one (1) skill level Jack & Jill as a Leader and one (1) skill level Jack & Jill as a Follower
(and must maintain that respective role through the contest rounds).
b) May enter Strictly Swing contests as a Leader and / or as a Follower (and must maintain that
respective role through the contest rounds).
c) Competitors who are of different skill levels in the roles, shall have their highest qualifying skill
level be their Primary Role and the other role will be their Secondary role; and the Secondary role
may only be one (1) level below their Primary Role (and the Secondary Role skill level eligibility
rise to the next higher level when the Primary Role advances to the next higher skill level); unless
the competitors obtains an approve Petition otherwise.
d) Competitors who are of the same skill level in both roles, must choose which role to compete in,
in any skill level competitions.
Jack & Jill Contests:
‘Jack & Jill’ contests consist of a Leader and Follower (of the same skill level or age division), randomly
paired (and rotating partners in preliminary and semi‐final rounds), dancing to music selected by the DJ.
Competitors’ skill levels shall be determined by the WSDC Points Registry. Competitors are judged
individually in the preliminary and semi‐final rounds, and as a couple with the person they are randomly
paired with in the finals. The preliminary and semi‐final rounds will be heated, and the finals may be
heated or in a spotlight format, at the event’s discretion. See the event schedule.
Jack and Jill Eligibility is as follows (should anything listed below be in conflict with the WSDC Skill Level
definitions, the WSDC definitions take precedence – see
uploads/2024/07/2024‐Registry‐Event‐Rules_v2024.2B.pdf Chart 3):
1) Novice Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors shall have 0‐16 Novice points (and have no Intermediate points).
b. Competitors with 16 to less than 30 Novice points, and no Intermediate points, may
remain in the Novice division, if they desire.
c. Competitors with 30 or more Novice points, or points in a higher division, may no longer
compete in a Novice division.
2) Intermediate Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors shall have earned a minimum of 16 Novice points; and have 0‐30
Intermediate points (and no Advanced points).
b. Competitors with 31 to less than 45 Intermediate points, and no Advanced points, may
remain in the Intermediate division, if they desire.
c. Competitors with 45 or more Intermediate points, or points in a higher division, may no
longer compete in an Intermediate division.
3) Advanced Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors shall have earned a minimum of 30 Intermediate points, and have 0 to 60
Advanced points.
b. Competitors with 60 to less than 90 Advanced points, and no All‐Star points, may remain
in the Advanced division if they desire.
c. Competitors with 90 or more Advanced points may no longer compete in an Advanced
4) All‐Star Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors shall have earned a minimum of 60 Advanced points, and have 0 to 150 All‐
Star points.
b. Competitors with 151 to less than 225 All‐Star points, and no Champion points, may
remain in the All‐Star division if they desire.
c. Competitors with 225 or more All‐Star points may no longer compete in an All‐Star
5) Champions Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors shall have earned a minimum of 150 All‐Star points.
b. Competitors with 225 or more All‐Star points must compete in the Champion division.
c. Competitors with 1 or more Champion points must compete in the Champion division.
20) Masters Jack & Jill Competitors eligibility:
a) Competitors shall be 50 years of age as of the close of the Event.
b) Competitors may enter as either a Leader or a Follower.
Competitors who wish to compete in a different (lower) skill level than as determined by the WSDC Points
Registry may complete a Petition, which will be submitted to the Chief Judge (who will review the petition
and make a decision at their sole discretion). Competitors with ‘old’ points in a higher division or who have
not demonstrated achievement in a higher division over a period of time may submit a petition to enter
the next lower division. Competitors who wish to compete in a higher skill level than as determined by
the WSDC Points Registry must complete and submit a petition to the WSDC Chief Judges Committee for
review, at least 15 days prior to the event; petitions ‘up’ cannot be accepted at the event.
Strictly Swing Contests:
‘Strictly Swing’ contests consist of a Leader and Follower who are partners of their own choosing, dancing
to music selected by the DJ. Contestants are judged as a couple and advance through the rounds as a
couple. The preliminary and semi‐final rounds will be heated, and the finals may be heated or in a spotlight
format, at the event’s discretion. See the event schedule. Pre‐choreographed routines are not allowed.
Costumers are not allowed; but ‘coordinating’ dress is allowed and encouraged. Competitors’ skill levels
shall be determined by the WSDC Points Registry.
1) Skill level Strictly Swing divisions (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced) Competitors eligibility:
a. Competitors skill level shall be determined by the WSDC Points Registry (as outlined in
the Jack & Jill skill level definitions above).
b. Couples that consist of a Leader and Follower of different skill levels must compete in the
higher of the partner’s skill level division.
c. At least one partner of the couple must be qualified for the division in which the couple
is competing.
2) Age level Strictly Swing divisions (Juniors, Masters) Competitors eligibility:
a. All competitors (both partners in the couple) must meet the age qualifications as outlined
in the Jack & Jill age level definitions above.
All‐American Jack & Jill:
The ‘Hi‐Lo All‐American Jack & Jill’ contest is open to all Competitors (of all levels), who may enter the
contest as a leader or a follower (but not both). The couples are randomly paired, and maintain their
pairing (and are judged as a couple) throughout the rounds of the contest; dancing to music selected by
the DJ. The preliminary, semi‐final and final rounds will be heated.
1) Any contestant that dances more than once (due to uneven numbers of competitors) may
participate in the finals more than once.
Files coming soon.